Windows File System



Enter or browse the initial folder which will be the root folder from where pull subfolders to return.


For network paths specify the full UNC path starting with \\. Mapped drives are not allowed because Scanshare is running inside services and Mapped Drives are not existing in services context.


For the network authentication and allowing authentication on virtual UNC shares you would use \# before your UNC path. e.g.: \#YOUR_UNC_PATH.

Use full path as the return value
Return the full absolute path instead of the relative path

Enter a filter to apply on the returned folders list. This parameter can contain a combination of valid literal and wildcard characters, but it doesn’t support regular expressions.

The following wildcard specifiers are permitted in Filter:

Wildcard specifierMatches
* (asterisk)Zero or more characters in that position.
? (question mark)Zero or one character in that position.

Characters other than the wildcard are literal characters. For example, the Filter string “*t” searches for all names in path ending with the letter “t”. The Filter string “s*” searches for all names in path beginning with the letter “s”.

Filter cannot end in two periods (“..”) or contain two periods (“..”) followed by directory separator character, nor can it contain any invalid characters.

Username and Password
User credentials to use for authentication is required for network paths.


Authentication is not required on local folders (e.g. starting with a local drive letter). If you specify credentials in such case an error will be generated during storing because Scanshare will attempt to obtain the UNC root authentication point.


This connector is supporting Selected (with tree) recursive item lists. Check how to crate a New Item List.


Enter an output path manually, or select Browse to browse to the right folder. You may also insert variables by selecting the Variable button on the right, so you would use e.g.


to store a document to a subfolder based on its document type. Of course in order to do so, you must first set up a question which lets the user choose the root folder.


For network paths specify the full UNC path starting with \\. Mapped drives are not allowed because Scanshare is running inside services and Mapped Drives are not existing in services context.


For the network authentication and allowing authentication on virtual UNC shares you would use \# before your UNC path. e.g.: \#YOUR_UNC_PATH.

Enter the filename for the document to upload, or click on the Variables button on the right, to select a variable which will contain the filename.


The extension will be automatically computed based on the selected output profile type.


The filename field here allows the use of the UNIQUECOUNTER variable in case Overwrite option below is used. Please refer to the Variables appendix for further information on the variable use.

If file already exists
Choose here what to do when the file already exists. Only possible options, depending on the selected output format, are displayed here. Available options are:

  • Abort
  • Append (visible only when a supported output profile format is selected)
  • Overwrite

If appending is selected and not allowed the settings will be automatically set to abort. PDF(/A) searchable doesn’t allow to add pages. To use the append option use a normal PDF (not searchable) or a TIFF.

Username and Password
Enter a username and password (if needed) or select a variable which will contain the username / password, to access the restricted network output folder.


Authentication is not required on local folders (e.g. starting with a local drive letter). If you specify credentials in such case an error will be generated during storing because Scanshare will attempt to obtain the UNC root authentication point.

Data Output


If this section is filled the configured data output (text file) will be created contextually and with the same filename of the output document.

Customize the extension of the data output file, or click on the Variables button on the right, to select a variable which will contain the extension.


The filename is locked to be the same filename of the Windows File System output document. Change the document filename above to reflect this one changing too.

Enter the text contents to write in the data output file, or click on the Variables button on the right, to select a variable which can be used in the contents.

If enabled and the output filename is already existing the contents will be appended at the end of the existing file, otherwise the file is always overwritten.

If enabled the data output will be saved using the UTF8 encoding.

If enabled the data output will be saved using the Unicode encoding.

UTF8 and Unicode are exclusive to each other.

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