Excel (xlsx)

Excel (xlsx) output format converts the current document into a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet format, specifically XLSX version.

Output ExtensionXLSX
Multipage supportYes

Select here the OCR engine to use to run the current task and create the output document. Available engines are, based on the current license:

  • Default (Tesseract OCR)

Select the language to use during the OCR recognition process. Multiple languages can be selected by holding CTRL key while selecting the languages.

Please refer to the OCR Appendix chapter for the supported OCR languages.

Specify a maximum amount of time the OCR process should run, after which a timeout will occur terminating the process with an error. To be used to prevent the OCR process might take too long, hang or loop on particular complex or malformed documents.

The timeout value is expressed in seconds.

Use Cloud
If enabled the output document is created with the Scanshare Cloud services.


The Use Cloud option is displayed only if an Scanshare Cloud services license exists and it is licensed on the number of pages to be processed.

The Scanshare Cloud services require internet connection.

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