
The Web Client menu brings you to the Scanshare Web Client dashboard.

Web Client is a Scanshare user based client which allows any user to import / scan / upload documents into any Scanshare configured Workflow. The Web Client brings any embedded client functionalities into a fully web based client available from any user PC without requiring to install any client application.

A first use access will load automatically the available Workflows Groups, if Groups are enabled in the Server Settings. They can be customized based on the current User or User SSO permissions. A Refresh button is available on top left to reload the current Workflow Groups.

By selecting one of the available Workflow Group the next screen will load automatically the available Workflows configured to be in the selected Group. A Back button is available on top left to return to the Workflows Groups selection, or a Refresh button is also available to reload the current Workflows inside the selected Workflow Group.

A first use access, when Workflow Groups are disabled, will instead load automatically the available Workflows directly. They can be customized based on the current User or User SSO permissions. A Refresh button is available only on top left to reload the current Workflows, no selected Workflow Group mention is displayed.

By selecting one of the available Workflow the user is able to import / scan the document to store with the current Workflow and fill any questions, if configured for the current Workflow.

Some working behavior can be customized here with the Web Client capture module settings for the current selected Workflow.

On the top left bar document controls are available:


Image controls apply to the preview only and not to the physical document stored in the repository.

Fit the document to the current view.

One to One
Enlarge the document to the 100% zoom ratio into the current view.

Zoom In
Zoom In the document into the current view.

Zoom Out
Zoom out the document into the current view.

Rotate Clockwise
Rotate clockwise direction the document by a manner of 45 degrees.

• Rotate Counter Clockwise
Rotate counter clockwise direction the document by a manner of the 45 degrees.

• Clear All Zones
Clear all marked OCR recognized zones (visible only when Text recognition is enabled in the capture settings for this Workflow).

• Page
Displays the current preview page number on the total number of pages of the document.

• First page / Last page
Load and display the first or last page preview of the document.

• Previous page / Next page
Load and display the previous or next page preview of the document.

In the right part available questions are displayed and can be answered.

Required questions are marked with a yellow tag and if they are not filled a warning notification will be generated when attempting to send the document.

In the bottom part the controls to operate the Workflow are displayed:

Import document
Browse to open and load (by uploading to the server) a sample document to render on the preview pane.

The document is uploaded at the time of the selection and it stored temporary on the server until the current job is sent.

Multiple documents selection is available in the popup dialog appearing when the button is clicked. When multiple documents are selected they will be uploaded all together and merged into one unique document job. The preview will render the whole merged document.

Importing of documents can be done also by dropping one or more documents into the preview area, multiple documents are supported here too.


Multiple documents importing is supported only when the first document is a multipage format. The document is not attempted to be processed nor modified at the time of the import / upload while other documents are appended into it.

If using not multipage format documents are overwritten and only one will be imported.


Mixed different formats are supported with limitations during multiple documents import, since there is no processing or modification to the source documents merge of the selected mixed format might not be possible and multiple files get overridden.

It is suggested to use all the same multi page format for optimal document quality (e.g. tiff+tiff(s) or pdf+pdf(s)).


Protected PDF’s are currently not supported for batch multi import.

Allows the complete the current job and submit the document and filled questions data. If any required question is not filled at this stage a warning notification message is generated and send process interrupts.

Cancel the current job and return to the list of all available Workflows.

Text Recognition

Live Zone OCR is available when Text Recognition is enabled in the WebClient capture module settings for the current Workflow.

When enabled the default pointer on the document preview allows drawing a rectangle area to live recognize and extract. All drawn rectangles will stay on the document preview, to remember the extracted zones, they can be cleared with the toolbar Clear All Zones button.

Once text has been recognized a status message, with the recognized text, will be displayed below the title bar and it is held for the target question where to insert it.

By clicking on a Typed question the recognized text will be automatically pasted and recognition result, and status message, cleared.

Live Mode

The right bottom part displays the Live mode pane if enabled for the current Workflow. When clicking on the pane the Live Mode is activated and the current Workflow design is rendered showing the immediate first module. Contextually the Send button will disappear because the current Workflow operates only in Live Mode.

Live Mode is a synchronous processing operated by a specific Scanshare processing service dedicated to this task. It doesn’t interfere with the standard processing service and all processing Workflow tasks.

According the current Workflow capture settings Live Mode can operate automatically when it has been opened or manually with the Process Next and Process All buttons.

Process Next will execute the next module in line, the progress will be reported in the Live Mode Workflow preview. Once the process is completed the status is reported and the document and / or the questions are updated with the current status of both after the module processing.

The Process Next button can be operated till the last module when the Workflow will complete and close automatically.

When using the Process All button, instead, the Workflow will run till the end and automatically complete or wait for the last module (according the current Workflow capture settings).