First time startup

After a successful installation of Scanshare, and successful activation, you are ready to proceed with the next step.

The first time you start the application, user specific settings can be changed and workflows can be designed. Starting from the Dashboard you can easily jump to the desired location.

You will see the following screen at start up:


You can see various sections and information such as:







Top Bar

In the main bar on the right we will find the different menu’s will be selectable.


This menu gives the possibility to keep under control all the application states by containing notifications.

User Account
It contains information on the logged user.

About (hamburger menu)
Some main methods of checking license, more details for support, Help and general info.


By pressing the last bar icon, the about menu will appear


License information will be displayed here

Generate support report
Press the generate support report text to export all app data (logs, settings and workflow) configured.


Personal information might be included in the report since all workflows are exported inclusive of their configuration.

Download support tool
Press to download the support client tool in order to have a support team engineer remotely connect to your computer for assistance


A remote session needs to be agreed and initiated by a support team member, contact your local reseller for support.

Pressing this button will open the in built Manual

Here all modules and connectors included in your license will be shown (please refer to Info menu for detailed information). Here it is also possible to check if your application is up to date


Application notification center, all notifications of success and even those with errors will be present here with info of the server name that generated it and with the specific date.


here you will find all notifications divided by success and failure icon in order of arrival. Notifications have a small description in the preview.

Error and warning
Similar to the previous one but only with errors and warnings levels

Similar to the previous but only with Info level

Click on each single notification to expand the message text if not fitting into the notification default message section.

You have the option to delete all notifications or otherwise you will see them disappearing after logging out.

User account

Here you will have the possibility to see the logged in user, to logout and to customize User Preferences.

The menu contains varius sections:

You can also try to close the side menu for a greater view of the main view by clicking on the arrow:

The dashboard shows you a clear overview of all parts of the Scanshare server (for a detailed description go to the Dashboard menu)

Here you can create clusters to devide the processing over one or more servers (for a detailed description go to the Load balancing menu).

An overview of all configured clients is shown here. in this menu you can also add, delete or modify clients (for a detailed description go to the Clients menu)

Livestream of the application services logging to monitor application working behavior (for a detailed description go to the Events menu)

Free Form
Here you can create Free Form templates (for a detailed description go to the Free Form menu).

Item Lists
Here you can create Free Form templates (for a detailed description go to the Item list menu).

Load balancing
Here you can create clusters to devide the processing over one or more servers (for a detailed description go to the Load balancing menu).

Output Profiles
Here you can create Free Form templates (for a detailed description go to the Output Profiles menu).

Here you can create Free Form templates (for a detailed description go to the Policies menu).

Here you can create Free Form templates (for a detailed description go to the Questions menu).

Here you can create, delete or modify your repository (for a detailed description go to the Repository menu)

User Single Sign On
Here you can create, delete or modify your repository (for a detailed description go to the User Single Sign On menu)

All User groups will be shown here, allowing you to create, delete or modify user groups and users (for a detailed description go to the Users menu)

Here you can create, delete or modify your verification process (for a detailed description go to the Verification menu)

Start the WebClient establishing a connection with the logged in user and loading the current available workflows (for a detailed description go to the WebClient menu)

Here you can create, delete or modify your workflows (for a detailed description go to the Workflows menu)

Here you can create, delete or modify your verification process (for a detailed description go to the Settings menu)


Menu entries are displayed according the current license and the user role. If any entries are missing check if you have the module in your license and / or the current user has rights to use that functionality.

On top of the menu a global search field is available.

By entering text here, you can search through the complete application for any match with the entered keyword. Search is searching any Scanshare object matching the entered keyword such as Clients, Users, Workflows, Output Profiles, Questions, Profiles, Repository Folders and Files and so on.

For each returned matching object a direct modification button is displayed.

Advanced search is available to filter and customize search parameters.

You can choose either from:

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