This trigger allows to evaluate a logical condition and based on the result conditionally choose the next node.
Parameter | Value |
Type | Action |
Use document | No |
Conditional | Yes |
Max output | 2 |
Context | All |
Left operator
Enter the first (left) operator of the condition equation, or click on the Variables button on the right, to select a variable which will contain the value.
The left operator is the comparing value, it is mostly assumed to be a dynamically value to check hence a variable.
Select the condition to evaluate against the left and right operators. Possible options are:
- Equal
- Not Equal
- Less than
- Greater than
- Contains
- Starts With
- Ends with
- Not Contains
- Is Valorized
- Is Not Valorized
- Match RegExp
- Not Match RegExp
The operator represents the logical condition to check. According the selection the right operator might assume a different meaning.
When using Is Valorized and Is Not Valorized only the left operator is used and the right operator will be ignored. This because the logical condition checks the valorization of the left operator value (e.g. if existing and containing something).
When using Match RegExp and Not Match RegExp the right operator is expected to be the regular expression to match against with for the left operator.
Refer to the Appendix – Regular Expressions section for more information about regular expressions in general inside Scanshare.
Right operator
The second (right) operator of the condition equation, or click on the Variables button on the right, to select a variable which will contain the value.
The right operator is the comparing with value against which the left operator is compared.
Custom false condition
The Condition trigger will return either TRUE or FALSE according the result of the condition evaluation. This will conditionally choose the next node, if present.
The Custom false condition section provides control to configure another condition equation exactly in the same way and with the same configuration fields as the main condition but to evaluate in the case the main condition will be returning a FALSE value.
This section will allow to have a custom condition to check for the FALSE value allowing to consider additional options to be treated as FALSE.
Leave empty this section to use just the standard main condition.