Variables List

The Variable Selection Dialog allows inserting Variables automatically, choosing from a drop down list containing a mix of server standard variables and user created variables (Global questions, workflow questions, processing derived such as Barcode and OCR recognition).

Selection allows one single Variable selection and % Variable tags are added automatically.


The Variables list allows multi selection only in the Variables Trigger.

Selected/Custom variable
Displays the current selected variable which will be imported in the field from which the Variables list has been opened. If a custom variable, not yet existing in the Variables list (e.g. Script runtime variable), is required it can be written directly in this field without making a selection from the list.

Skip variable tags
Return the selected variable without the % Variable tags.

Server Variables

Some variables are standard and server pre defined always existing in every workflow, their values depends on the Workflow configuration and server conditions.

The standard server variables are, per function groups:


ACTIVATIONKEYMachine unique hardware activation key
LICENSEKEYCurrent installed license key
SMTP server authentication enabled (true/false)
SMTPIMPLICITSSLSMTPserver Implicit SSL enabled (0/1)
SMTPPASSWORDGeneral configured password for SMTP authentication
SMTPPORTGeneral configured SMTP server port
SMTPSERVERGeneral configured SMTP server address
SMTPSSLSMTP server SSL enabled (true/false)
SMTPUSERNAMEGeneral configured username for SMTP authentication

Date and Time

DDay in 1 digit-format, without leading-zero
DDDay in 2 digit-format, with leading-zero
DDDDay in short text format
DDDDDay in long text format
FMilliseconds in 1-digit format
FFMilliseconds in 2-digit format
FFFMilliseconds in 3-digits format
MMonth in 1-digit format, without leading-zero
MMMonth in 2-digit format, with leading zero
MMMMonth in short text format
MMMMMonth in long text format
NMinutes without leading-zero
NNMinutes with leading-zero
SSeconds without leading-zero
SSSeconds with leading-zero
HH12Hour in 12-hour format
HH24Hour in 24-hour format
WWeek of year as decimal number in 1-digit format
W4Week number with the four days calendar rule in 1-digit format
WWWeek of year as decimal number in 2-digit format
WW4Week number with the four days calendar rule in 2-digit format
YYear in 1-digit format
YYYear in 2-digit format
YYYYYear in 4-digit format
DATELONGLong date pattern in format “Wednesday May 16, 2001”
DATESHORTShort date pattern in format “5/16/2001”
TIMELONGLong time pattern in format “3:02:15 AM”
TIMESHORTShort time pattern in format “3:02 AM”
UTCDCoordinated Universal Time Day in 1 digit-format, without leading-zero
UTCDDCoordinated Universal Time Day in 2 digit-format, with leading-zero
UTCDDDCoordinated Universal Time Day in short text format
UTCDDDDCoordinated Universal Time Day in long text format
UTCHH12Coordinated Universal Time 12-hour format
UTCHH24Coordinated Universal Time 24-hour format
UTCNCoordinated Universal Time Minutes without leading-zero
UTCNNCoordinated Universal Time Minutes with leading-zero


CURRENTPAGECurrent process page
CURRENTPAGEONSPLITCurrent effective process page relative to the split part in process (for split in process, e.g. Split trigger)
CURRENTPAGESCOUNTERNumber of pages composing the current block document being processed, e.g. during the split document
ORIGINALFILENAMEEXTENSIONOriginal filename extension of the document being processed (e.g. .pdf)
ORIGINALFILENAMEPATHOriginal file path (e.g. d:\test\input)ORIGINALFILENAMEOriginal filename of the document being processed (e.g. Input.pdf)
ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHOUTEXTENSIONOriginal filename of the document being processed without extension (e.g. Input )
ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHPATHFull path original filename of the document being processed (e.g. d:\test\input\Input.pdf)
ORIGINALFILENAMEWITHPATHWITHOUTEXTENSIONFull path original filename of the document being processed without extension (e.g. d:\test\input\Input)
ORIGINALFILESIZEOriginal file size of the document being processed
PAGESCOUNTERNumber of pages composing the current document being processed
PROCESSFILENAMEInternal process filename of the document being stored
PROCESSFILENAMEWITHOUTEXTENSIONInternal process filename of the document being stored without extension
PROCESSFILENAMEWITHPATHFull path internal filename of the document being stored
PROCESSFILENAMEWITHPATHWITHOUTEXTENSIONFull path internal filename of the document being stored without extension
PROCESSFILESIZEFile size of the current document being processed

Image properties

IMAGEBITSDEPTHBits depth of the current image being processed
IMAGEHEIGHTHeight in pixel of the current image being processed
IMAGEHRESOLUTIONHorizontal resolution of the current image being processed
IMAGEVRESOLUTIONVertical resolution of the current image being processed
IMAGEWIDTHWidth in pixel of the current image being processed


CLIENTADDRESSClient IP address if using client capture
CLIENTMACADDRESSClient MAC address (or serial number) if using client capture


USERADSWhen using SSO returs user ADS
USERDEPARTMENTUser department, will only be set if a user authentication source is enabled
USERDOMAINUser domain, will only be set if a user authentication source is enabled
USERFIRSTNAMEUser first name, will only be set if a user authentication source is enabled
USERFULLNAMEUser full name, will only be set if a user authentication source is enabled
USERHOMEFOLDERUser home folder, will only be set if a user authentication source is enabled
USERLASTNAMEUser last name, will only be set if a user authentication source is enabled
USERMAILUser email will only be set if a user authentication source is enabled
USERNAMEUser name, will only be set if a user authentication source is enabled or an authentication software is installed on the MFP
USERPASSWORDUser password, will only be set if a user authentication source is enabled


WORKFLOWCOUNTERReturns the number of times a document was processed with that workflow.
WORKFLOWERRORReturn the same log line marked as Error (ONLY IN THE FAILOVER CONDITION)
WORKFLOWFAILOVERCOUNTReturn the failover number count workflow.
WORKFLOWIDThe internal id of the current workflow
WORKFLOWMODULESReturn the modules list, comma separated, used for the current document being processed (e.g.: Watch Folder, Barcode Reader, Windows File System)
WORKFLOWNAMEThe name of the current workflow


BARCODE01_P01(or name your barcode)In case there were barcodes for multiple pages, NAMEBARCODE_P and the last two numbers eg MYBARCODE_P07 (get barcode if present on page 7)
BARCODEREADER_SEPARATIONPAGESIn it you can find the pages where separation occurred (example: 3,7,8,9)

Email Capturing

EMAILATTACHMENTSNumber of attachments to the mail
EMAILATTACHMENTSIZESize of attachment to the mail
EMAILBCCSList of emails in hide cc
EMAILBODYBody of mail
EMAILCCSList of emails in cc
EMAILDATARECEIVEDEmail data received for email capturing
EMAILDATESENTEmail data sent for email capturing
EMAILDOMAINDomain of the email
EMAILHTMLBODYEmail html body for email capturing
EMAILISSIGNEDCheck if the signed / certified email for email capturing
EMAILMESSAGEIDEmail internal ID for email capturing
EMAILMESSAGEIDEmail internal ID for email capturing
EMAILPASSWORDEmail password for email capturing
EMAILPORTEmail port for email capturing
EMAILRECIPIENTSEmail recipients for email capturing
EMAILSENDEREmail sender for email capturing
EMAILSERVEREmail server for email capturing
EMAILSUBJECTEmail subject for email capturing
EMAILUSERNAMEEmail username for email capturing


FREEFORMCONFIDENCEConfidence level of FreeForm profile on the processing document
FREEFORMPROFILEName of FreeForm profile recognized


FTPFOLDERFTP folder for ftp capturing
FTPPASSWORDFTP password for ftp capturing
FTPPORTFTP port for ftp capturing
FTPSERVERFTP server for ftp capturing
FTPUSERNAMEFTP username for ftp capturing


Return the path from the root selected HL7 input source folder to the subfolder where the message has been inserted (only works if  Check subfolder has been enabled)
HL7TCPRESPONSEHolds the HL7 server / application response when a HL7 output of type TCP/IP is used and successfully.

Image processing

IMAGEPROCESSING_EMPTYPAGESCONFIDENCEList of confidence for every removed page, separated by ; (PAGE:CONFIDENCE;PAGE:CONFIDENCE;…)
IMAGEPROCESSING_REMOVEDEMPTYPAGESTotal amount of detected and removed pages by the image processing module


ABBYYKEYCurrent installed Abbyy license key
ABBYYPAGESLEFTNumber of remaining monthly pages allowed to scan with the current installed Abbyy license (if any)
ICR_MONTHLYPAGESMonthly pages available in the current license for the ICR module
ICR_MONTHLYPAGESLEFTNumber of remaining monthly pages allowed to process with the current installed ICR license (if any)
ICRTEXTText found during ICR (full handwritten page text found)
OCRENGINE, ICRENGINE, MICRENGINE, OMRENGINE, SMARTOCRENGINE, ZOCRENGINEThe OCR engine used by either of the OCR main process or OCR zone / rule modules
OCRTEXTText found during OCR
OCRTEXTFILEIt is a full path pointing to the text file that contains the ocr (temporary text file, which will be deleted at the end of the process)
OMRROWSCOUNTNumber or rows when using OMR with Abbyy Engine and zones group
PDFTEXTText inside the source PDF document, if existing
SMARTDOCUMENT_CLASSIFICATION_MONTHLYPAGESMonthly pages available in the current license for the Classification feature of the Smart Document module
SMARTDOCUMENT_CLASSIFICATION_MONTHLYPAGESLEFTNumber of remaining monthly pages allowed to process with the Classification feature of the current installed Smart Document license (if any)
Personal Information occurrence (value, category of information, confidence) found in the current document by the Smart Document module. If multipage document _PY will indicate the page where Y is the page number.
SMARTDOCUMENT_PII_MONTHLYPAGESMonthly pages available in the current license for the Personal Information feature of the Smart Document module
SMARTDOCUMENT_PII_MONTHLYPAGESLEFTNumber of remaining monthly pages allowed to process with the Personal Information feature of the current installed Smart Document license (if any)
Total number of Personal Information occurrences found in the current document by the Smart Document module. If multipage document _PX will indicate the page where X is the page number.
SMARTDOCUMENT_SUMMARY_MONTHLYPAGESMonthly pages available in the current license for the Summarization feature of the Smart Document module
SMARTDOCUMENT_SUMMARY_MONTHLYPAGESLEFTNumber of remaining monthly pages allowed to process with the Summarization feature of the current installed Smart Document license (if any)
Sentence generated for summary of bullets type on the current document by the Smart Document module. If multipage document _PY will indicate the page where Y is the page number.
Total number of sentences used for the summary in the current document by the Smart Document module. If multipage document _PX will indicate the page where X is the page number.
Summary text generated on the current document by the Smart Document module. If multipage document _PY will indicate the page where Y is the page number.
SMARTDOCUMENT_TRANSLATION_MONTHLYPAGESMonthly pages available in the current license for the Translation feature of the Smart Document module
SMARTDOCUMENT_TRANSLATION_MONTHLYPAGESLEFTNumber of remaining monthly pages allowed to process with the Translation feature of the current installed Smart Document license (if any)
Full translated text generated by the Smart Document module. If multipage document _PX will indicate the page where X is the page number.
List of all fields (variable names) dynamically found in the current document when using General as document type, comma separated. If multipage document _PX will indicate the page where X is the page number.
SMARTFORM_MONTHLYPAGESMonthly pages available in the current license for the Smart Form module
SMARTFORM_MONTHLYPAGESLEFTNumber of remaining monthly pages allowed to process with the current installed Smart Form license (if any)
SMARTFORM_TOTALLINEITEMS, SMARTFORM_TOTALLINEITEMS_PXTotal number of line items found in the current document by the Smart Form module. If multipage document _PX will indicate the page where X is the page number.
SMARTFORM_TOTALPAGESTotal amount of document pages for the Smart Form module
Total number of fields found in the current document by the Smart Form module, when multiple instance of the same field type are detected. If multipage document _PX will indicate the page where X is the page number.
ZONEOCR_SEPARATIONPAGESIn it you can find the pages where separation occurred (example: 3,7,8,9)

Unique Counter


Available for: Windows File System (WFS), Data Output connectors and Data Export and Report Generator modules.

UNIQUECOUNTERUnique number which increases when name/file exists
UNIQUECOUNTER3Unique number which initially not existing when file doesn’t exist, it is formatted by x (3) digits (e.g. 000)
UNIQUECOUNTER3+7Unique number which initially not existing when file doesn’t exist, it is formatted by x (3) digits and starting from y (7) (e.g. 007)
UNIQUECOUNTER3+7IUnique number which (Inclusive) same as before but initially inclusive (so first file it will come directly with 007 rather than empty) -> this is your case
UNIQUECOUNTER3+7+_existing or not initially according the usage of I which can be added or not but using the _ character as separation from the previous filename (e.g. _007). This is for cases when you don’t want the extra char when the counter isn’t used (example without I so counter not used initially) because if you put the _ in the filename then the initially filename will just end in _ being without the counter.


VERIFICATION_APPROVER_ADSComplete strinf RDN of AD user approver document in verification
VERIFICATION_APPROVER_DESCRIPTIONDescription (if available in AD) of user approver document in verification
VERIFICATION_APPROVER_EMAILEmail (if available in AD) of the user approver document in verification
VERIFICATION_APPROVER_HOMEFOLDERHomeFolder (if available in AD) of user approver document in verification
VERIFICATION_APPROVER_PASSWORDPassword of the user approver document in verification
VERIFICATION_APPROVER_USERNAMEUsername of the user approver document in verification

Web / API

WEBCAPTURENAMESPACEThe Web Service Namespace specified in the module settings
WEBCAPTUREPASSWORDPassword to login to the Web Service as specified in the module settings
WEBCAPTUREURLThe Web Service URL specified in the module settings
WEBCAPTUREUSERNAMEUsername to login to the Web Service as specified in the module settings


Return the path from the root selected Watchfolder to the subfolder where the file has been inserted (only works if  Check subfolder has been enabled)
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